• TUTTOSPACCI - Il portale degli spacci e degli outlet italiani

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Yamaha reinforces Italy's biggest retail park

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Pubblicato da www.lsionline.co.uk - 05/05/09

{mosimage} Italy - With an ultimate retail floor space of 26,500sq.m, Italy's Mondovicino outlet village, retail park and shopping centre will be the biggest of its kind in the country. And with Yamaha audio equipment bringing the best audio quality to shoppers, it is certain to offer the ultimate retail experience.

Located near the town of Mondovì, in the province of Cuneo, north west Italy, the first phase of Mondovicino - with about 60 stores - has opened, with the rest of the development progressively opening in the near future.


Sound designer Adriano Zigante and his company Alto Gradimento won the contract to design and install the audio system at the complex. Zigante specified a comprehensive Yamaha system, which will deliver high quality audio via a highly flexible, multi-zone system.

The indoor shopping centre forms the first completed phase of the development and features four audio zones, utilising 12 Yamaha DME8o-C satellite units and 24 XM4080 four channel power amplifiers delivering sound to 120 S15 and S55 speakers, installed throughout the walkways and circulation areas of the building.

Music and announcement signals are fed from a master 'broadcast' zone, which features the day's MP3 playlist on a playout server and feeds the audio signals to the three other zones via Cobranet. Each local DME zone then manages the XP power amps which feed the speakers.

"The overall sound distribution is of very high, uniform quality," says Sandro Chinellato, commercial audio application engineer at Yamaha Musica Italia. "It is already proving a great success and the same type of system will be installed in Phase 2 of the Mondovicino development.

"A multi-purpose hall is also being included in the complex, which will also see a major installation of Yamaha Installation Series speakers, XP amplifiers and DME24N digital mix engines.

"Retail developments can be acoustically challenging but, by working very closely with Adriano and his team, we are ensuring that the Yamaha system provides quality audio which seamlessly complements the quality throughout the Mondovicino shopping experience."

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