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Condiviso da Tuttospacci Facebook - CHICKADEE, BUNNY AND SMALL FLOWERS BRACELET DANS LA CLAIRIERE COLLECTION - M11 Shop - Madrara11 - 17-07-2019

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Condiviso da Tuttospacci Facebook - CHICKADEE, BUNNY AND SMALL FLOWERS BRACELET DANS LA CLAIRIERE COLLECTION - M11 Shop - Madrara11 - 17-07-2019
Created in Nice in 1980, Les Néréides firm offers unique designs of high-end costume jewelry. Drawing the inspiration from nature and the animals, they garnish their sketchbooks with enchanting and fantasy bestiaries, cosmopolitan landscapes and luxuriant vegetation. All the jwelry is made up in a...

Commenta su facebookCondiviso da Tuttospacci Facebook - CHICKADEE, BUNNY AND SMALL FLOWERS BRACELET DANS LA CLAIRIERE COLLECTION - M11 Shop - Madrara11 - 17-07-2019
Created in Nice in 1980, Les Néréides firm offers unique designs of high-end costume jewelry. Drawing the inspiration from nature and the animals, they garnish their sketchbooks with enchanting and fantasy bestiaries, cosmopolitan landscapes and luxuriant vegetation. All the jwelry is made up in a...

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